Wednesday, January 25, 2012

American Idiot on tour

I have written about this show many times now. This is not "new" news. However, once again...this show has rocked my world once again (as cliche as that sounds). When I first saw American Idiot on Broadway, back in June of 2010. I fell in love with it within minutes and was immediately scheming on how to go again the next day. I saw it three out of our four nights in NYC that trip. From that first performance, something changed in me. I know that might sound silly to some, but it really is how it happened. I became obsessed, and I couldn't wait to plan my next trip back. I managed to get back to see the show twice more before it closed. It wasn't always just about the show for me. Through the show, via Twitter and Facebook, I have made so many friends. So many beautiful souls that have been brought together by this one incredible show. I know that some of these people will be my friends for the rest of my life. That is a powerful thing. The show somehow inspired me to stop sitting around, and start living my life. Doing the things I want to do without regret. I went back to school, I go on trips, I meet people I never would have known if not for my experience following American Idiot on Broadway.
When the show closed, I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to connect in the same way with the tour cast. In my mind, part of what kept me interested was my emotional connection to the cast and the way those characters were portrayed by the people I had come to know and love. Finally, the tour came to Michigan. I got tickets with some of my "Idiot Family" way back when they first went on sale, knowing it would never be enough to just see it once. I got tickets to go on Wednesday night and we took a friend of my husbands that had never seen the show. I was floored at how much I loved this show. Of course there are differences, but the feelings were all still the same. In fact, I think I connected with different characters this time! I managed to squeeze in 4 shows during the week it was here, and as usual...I know its not going to be enough. I will need to find a way to visit another tour stop to see the show at least one more time. I am not going to revisit the entire plot of the show and describe it to you. I will just say that this cast is incredible. Every single one of them brings something different to the show for me, and I am so grateful that I got to experience this new version of the show. One of the standout performances for me was Scott J. Campbell as Tunny. Tunny has never really been my favorite character. Don't get me wrong, I loved Stark as much as everyone else, and I even got to see Ben Thompson as Tunny once. I still just didn't connect with him at all. I thought that Scott gave Tunny something different. I am not sure what it is yet, but for the first time I think I "got it".
The generosity of the cast, the fact that they were willing to stand out in the cold and rain, to sign autographs, take photos, and just chat for a bit, really impressed me. I know they work so hard. This cast is incredible. SO grateful to have been able to meet Kelvin Moon Loh and Nicci Claspell, who have been especially kind and gracious to us over Twitter. Everyone was incredible and if this show comes to a town near should absolutely go. Rage and Love!

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